First you need to get Metamask installed and configured to the smartBCH network.
Luckily we have that automated for you!
Just go here and click on Download Metamask, and follow the instructions there (write your seed on a piece of paper, please don't skip on this) and then you can click on "Configure SmartBCH Network" to get the network added to your metamask.
Now you should have metamask installed with an account address (starts with 0x) and a balance of 0 BCH.
Now go here and type in /claim "address" where you replace it with your own address (starts with 0x)
Now the faucet bot will give you some sBUSD and BCH for free.
Now go to Mistswap and you can swap your sBUSD for more BCH and experience you first trade (or swap) on a decentralised exchange!
And all of this won't cost you ANYTHING.
Yes I know, it still used telegram rather then a website …. but we are still working on the faucet website. Doing it on telegram is a little easier and harder for us to get ripped of by bots that drain the faucets. (which can be quite expensive if a bot manages to by pass everything and drain your faucet)
submitted by /u/i_have_chosen_a_name
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