Hello! We’re redesigning the Electron Cash desktop user interface.
If you use the Electron Cash desktop wallet, we’d like to know more about how you use it. We’ve assembled this relatively short survey (10-15 minutes) to find out what features you’ve used before, and which you haven’t.
To say thank you, the first 20 people to complete the survey will receive $5 worth of Bitcoin Cash each, and everyone who completes the survey will be entered to win 0.25 BCH. The survey will be accepting responses from today (Tuesday, January 4th) through next Tuesday (the 11th).
Some quick notes:
-All of the screenshots are taken on OSX (Apple Macintosh computers), but your user interface should be almost identical.
-We recommend opening Electron Cash while taking the survey in case you don’t recognize any of the features we’re asking about.
-Many of the questions just ask you to check which features you’ve used before. If you’ve ever used it, please check it!
-Some other questions ask about frequency. It’s up to you to decide how often “Often” is, but try to think of it in relation to how often you open the program.
Thanks for your help and support!
Survey link:
submitted by /u/AD1AD
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